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With a much more famous Royal named William, you won't find out much about me by Googling. Here's a head start:


I like WWE. I love Miley Cyrus. Superhero movies are cool, and so is Big Brother — the hit show, not the ominous entity. Nothing clears my head like a nice long walk or a Real Housewives binge.

More seriously, I studied Urban Design, and I'm kind of obsessed with how design translates to multiple scales and experiences. I designed and illustrated for several newspapers across the U.S. where I learned to visually turn words into a packaged story, ideate on impossible deadlines and kill my darlings. These skills transferred to some fun branding projects before I met my two business partners in 2015. Together we built a team to solve business problems with kick-ass creative. Take a look at that work here. I jumped aboard the rocket ship that is Cameo , one of Time Magazine's Most Genius Companies of 2018. Through all of these experiences, I have uncovered my passion for employing creative thinking to build efficient, scalable systems.

Ring: (317) 385-6893


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...and if you're creeping extra hard, here's what some computers think of me:


It must be true. I took my first personality test in eighth grade, and 15ish years later, I've never gotten a different result than ENTJ (The Commander). This, along with the last name Royal, supposedly identifies me as a natural-born leader. ENTJs motivate crowds to move towards a common goal with charisma and confidence (ow oww!). We're fatally attracted to challenge, and our ability to remain focused on a long-term strategic plan predisposes many of us to lives of entrepreneurship (foreshadowing). Other ENTJs include Steve Jobs, Gordon Ramsay*, Harrison Ford, Whoopi Goldberg** and House of Cards' Jackie Sharp. Quite the A-Team, right?


* ** Note: I'm not nearly as abrasive as Gordon Ramsay, but also not nearly as cool as Whoopi Goldberg.)


More recently, I found another test called StrengthsFinder (now referred to as CliftonStrengths). This one is meant to provide insight into what drives someone's consistent success. The test identifies five most-dominant areas of talent. Here are your boy's (abridged) results.


1. LEARNER: I thrive in dynamic work environments where I'm asked to take on short projects with an expectation to learn a lot about new subject matter in a short period of time and then move on to the next one.


2. INDIVIDUALIZATION: I instinctively observe each person's style, each person's motivation, how each thinks and how each build relationships. Because of this, I can draw out the best from each person. In other words ~branding~... but with... people? What an idea.


3. ACHIEVER: I feel as if every day starts at zero. No matter how much I may feel I deserve a day of rest, if the day passes without some form of achievement, no matter how small, I'll feel dissatisfied. Yep. Accurate.


4. COMMAND: I'm sensing a theme. Once my goal is set, I feel restless until I have aligned others with me. I present the facts or the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be.


5. IDEATION: I'm delighted when I discover beneath the complex surface an elegantly simple concept to explain why things are the way they are. Fancy. I revel in taking the world we all know and turning it around so we can view it from a strange but strangely enlightening angle.

Alright. Your turn.

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